I've been playing around with generating detailed overviews of my running Linux system. Existing tools, such as top or htop, do a pretty good job of displaying the processes consuming the highest resources, but I'm looking for an at-a-glance overview of all processes and their impact on the system. I've used this goal as a reason to learn a little more about the python plotting tool matplotlib.
The plot to the right is generated by a matplotlib python script producing something similar to the LibreOffice plot in my previous blog entry. The process-file-system extraction code from the previous blog posting is used to extract CPU, vsize, and RSS data. Unlike the previous example, the script refreshes the plot every few seconds. This new plot uses a hash to pick a colour for each user and also annotates each point with the PID, command, and username.
Plotting every process results in a very cluttered graph To reduce the clutter I have restricted to plot data to the "interesting" processes - those that have changing values. Interest decays with inactivity, so processes that become static eventually disappear from the graph.
I wasn't happy with the bubble plot because clutter made it hard to get an overview of all process activity, which was the whole point of the exercise. Time for a different tack.
- Light grey: no activity
- Red: consumed CPU
- Green: perfomed IO
- Orange: Consumed CPU and performed IO
- Yellow: exited.
Changes in RSS are exaggerated so that even small changes in RSS are visible as a little "throb" in the point size. The plot updates once every three seconds or when ever the space bar is pressed. By grouping by username and start time, the placement of points remains fairly static and predictable from cycle to cycle.
In matplotlib it is relatively easy to trap hover and click events. I've included code to trap hover and display a popup details for the process under the mouse. In the screen-capture above, I've hovered over the Xorg X-Windows server. I also trap right-click and pin the popup so that will remain updating even after the mouse is moved away.
The the number of memory hogs visible on the plot is a bit exaggerated because the plot includes threads as well as processes (threads share memory). This plot is somewhat similar to the Hinton Diagram seen in the matplotlib example pages, which may also be an interesting basis for viewing a collection of processes or servers. (My own efforts pre-dates my discovering the Hinton example, so the implementation details differ substantially.)
Finally, I thought I'd include a 3D plot. I'm not sure it's that useful, but adding an extra dimension is food for thought. The script plots cumulative-CPU and RSS over the duration of the scripts run time. It uses a heuristic to select "interesting" processes. In this particular screen capture I shut down my eclipse+android IDE - first set of terminated lines - and then restarted the same IDE (steep climbing lines). The CPU and memory consumed by the plotting script can be seen as the diagonal line across the bottom time-CPU axis.
Matplotlib is a really useful plotting library, when ever I thought I'd exhausted what was possible, a Google-search would usually prove me wrong.
The code
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Bubble Plot: cpu (x), vsize(y), rss(z) # # Copyright (C) 2011: Michael Hamilton # The code is GPL 3.0(GNU General Public License) ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ) # import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTkAgg') import pylab import gobject import sys import os import math from optparse import OptionParser import linuxprocfs as procfs SC_CLK_TCK=float(os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])) ZOMBIE_LIVES=2 # Not a true UNIX zombie, just a plot zombie. INTERESTING_DEFAULT=3 # Don't display a process if it is boring this many times in a row. INTERVAL = 2 _user_colors = {} def _user_color(username): if username in _user_colors: color = _user_colors[username] else: # For a username, generate a psuedo random (r,g,b) values in the 0..1.0 range # E.g. for root base this on hash(root), hash(oot), and hash(ot) - randomise # each hash further - seems to work better than the straight hash color = tuple([math.fabs(hash(username[i:]) * 16807 % 2147483647)/(2147483647 * 1.3) for i in (0, 2, 1)]) #color = tuple([abs(hash(username[i:]))/(sys.maxint*1.3) for i in (2, 1, 0)]) _user_colors[username] = color print username, color return color class TrackingData(object): def __init__(self, info): self.previous = info self.current = info self.color = _user_color(info.username) self.text = '%d %s %s' % (info.pid, info.username, info.stat.comm ) self.interesting = 0 self.x = 0 self.y = info.stat.vsize self.z = info.stat.rss / 10 self.zombie_lives = ZOMBIE_LIVES def update(self, info): self.current = info oldx = self.x oldy = self.y oldz = self.z self.x = ((info.stat.stime + info.stat.utime) - (self.previous.stat.stime + self.previous.stat.utime)) /SC_CLK_TCK self.y = info.stat.vsize self.z = info.stat.rss / 10 if self.x == oldx and self.y == oldy and self.z == oldz: if self.interesting > 0: self.interesting -= 1 # if interesting drops to zero, stop plotting this process else: self.interesting = INTERESTING_DEFAULT self.previous = self.current self.zombie_lives = ZOMBIE_LIVES def is_alive(self): self.zombie_lives -= 1 return self.zombie_lives > 0 class PlotBubbles(object): def __init__(self, sleep=INTERVAL, include_threads=False): self.subplot = None self.datums = {} self.sleep = sleep * 1000 self.include_threads = include_threads def make_graph(self): all_procs = procfs.get_all_proc_data(self.include_threads) y_list = [] x_list = [] s_list = [] color_list = [] anotations = [] for proc_info in all_procs: if not proc_info.pid in self.datums: data = TrackingData(proc_info) self.datums[proc_info.pid] = data else: data = self.datums[proc_info.pid] data.update(proc_info) if data.interesting > 0: # Only plot active processes x_list.append(data.x) y_list.append(data.y) s_list.append(data.z) color_list.append(data.color) anotations.append((data.x, data.y, data.color, data.text)) if not data.is_alive(): del self.datums[proc_info.pid] if self.subplot == None: figure = pylab.figure() self.subplot = figure.add_subplot(111) else: self.subplot.cla() if len(x_list) == 0: # Nothing to plot - probably initial cycle return True self.subplot.scatter(x_list, y_list, s=s_list, c=color_list, marker='o', alpha=0.5) pylab.xlabel(r'Change in CPU (stime+utime)', fontsize=20) pylab.ylabel(r'Total vsize', fontsize=20) pylab.title(r'Process CPU, vsize, and RSS') pylab.grid(True) gca = pylab.gca() for x, y, color, text in anotations: gca.text(x, y, text, alpha=1, ha='left',va='bottom',fontsize=8, rotation=33, color=color) pylab.draw() return True def start(self): self.scatter = None self.make_graph() pylab.connect('key_press_event', self) gobject.timeout_add(self.sleep, self.make_graph) pylab.show() def __call__(self, event): self.make_graph() if __name__ == '__main__': usage = """usage: %prog [options|-h] Plot change in CPU(x), total vsize(y) and total RSS. """ parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--threads", action="store_true", dest="include_threads", help="Include threads as well as processes.") parser.add_option("-s", "--sleep", type="int", dest="interval", default=INTERVAL, help="Sleep seconds for each repetition.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() PlotBubbles(options.interval, options.include_threads).start()
% python plot_bubble_cpu_vsize_rss.py -h Usage: plot_bubble_cpu_vsize_rss.py [options|-h] Plot change in CPU(x), total vsize(y) and total RSS. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t, --threads Include threads as well as processes. -s INTERVAL, --sleep=INTERVAL Sleep seconds for each repetition.
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2011: Michael Hamilton # The code is GPL 3.0(GNU General Public License) ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ) # import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTkAgg') import pylab import time import gobject import math import os import linuxprocfs as procfs from optparse import OptionParser SC_CLK_TCK=float(os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])) LIMIT=1000 INTERVAL=3 DEFAULT_COLS=30 BASE_POINT_SIZE=300 MIN_SIZE=20 ZOMBIE_LIVES=3 # Not a true UNIX zombie, just a plot zombie MAX_RSS = 10 # Don't spell colour two ways - conform with pylab DEFAULT_COLORS=['honeydew','red','lawngreen','orange','yellow','lightyellow','white'] class ProcessInfo(object): def __init__(self, new_procdata): self.data = new_procdata self.previous = None self.alive = True self.info = '%d %s %s' % (new_procdata.pid, new_procdata.username, new_procdata.stat.comm ) self.username = new_procdata.username self.color = 'blue' self.zombie_lives = ZOMBIE_LIVES def update(self, new_procdata): self.previous = self.data self.data = new_procdata self.zombie_lives = ZOMBIE_LIVES def report(self): return '%s\nstate=%s\nutime=%f\nstime=%f\nrss=%d\nreads=%d\nwrites=%d' % \ (self.info, self.data.status.state if not self.is_zombie() else 'exited', self.data.stat.utime/SC_CLK_TCK, self.data.stat.stime/SC_CLK_TCK, self.data.stat.rss, self.data.io.read_bytes, self.data.io.write_bytes) def is_alive(self): self.zombie_lives -= 1 return self.zombie_lives > 0 def is_zombie(self): return self.zombie_lives < ZOMBIE_LIVES - 1 def sort_key(self): return (self.username, self.data.stat.starttime, self.data.pid) class Activity_Diagram(object): def __init__(self, sleep=INTERVAL, max_cols=DEFAULT_COLS, point_size=BASE_POINT_SIZE, include_threads=True, colors=''): self.process_info = {} self.pos_index = {} self.subplot = self.label = self.hover_tip = self.hover_tip_data = None self.hover_tip_sticky = False self.include_threads = include_threads self.sleep = sleep self.max_cols = max_cols self.point_size = point_size # Extend colors to same length as default, merge together colors and default, choose non blank values self.normal_color, self.cpu_color, self.io_color, self.cpuio_color, self.exit_color, self.tip_color, self.bg_color = \ [ (c if c != '' and c != None else d) for c,d in map(None, colors, DEFAULT_COLORS)] def start(self): self.start_time = time.time() self._create_new_plot() pylab.connect('motion_notify_event', self) pylab.connect('button_press_event', self) pylab.connect('key_press_event', self) gobject.timeout_add(self.sleep * 1000, self._create_new_plot) pylab.show() def _create_new_plot(self): if self.subplot == None: figure = pylab.figure() figure.set_frameon(True) self.subplot = figure.add_subplot(111, axis_bgcolor=self.bg_color) else: self.subplot.cla() plot = self.subplot x_vals, y_vals, c_vals, s_vals, namelabels = self._retrieve_data() plot.scatter(x_vals, y_vals, c=c_vals, s=s_vals) #, label=data.info) plot.axis('equal') plot.set_xticks([]) plot.set_yticks(namelabels[0]) plot.set_yticklabels(namelabels[1], stretch='condensed') self._create_tip(plot) # Refresh the tip the user is currently looking at pylab.title('Activity: size=RSS changes; red=CPU; green=IO; orange=CPU and IO.') pylab.draw() #print "ping" return True def _retrieve_data(self): # Update from procfs for proc in procfs.get_all_proc_data(include_threads=self.include_threads): if not proc.pid in self.process_info: data = ProcessInfo(proc) self.process_info[proc.pid] = data else: data = self.process_info[proc.pid] data.update(proc) max_rss = 0 for info in self.process_info.values(): if max_rss < info.data.stat.rss: max_rss = info.data.stat.rss # Compute values for plotting x_vals = []; y_vals = []; c_vals = []; s_vals = [] usernames = [[],[]] col = 0; row = 0 self.pos_index = {} previous = None for info in sorted(self.process_info.values(), key=lambda info: info.sort_key()): if not info.is_alive(): del self.process_info[info.data.pid] else: if (not previous or previous.username != info.username): if col != 0: col = 0; row += 1 print info.username, -row usernames[0].append(-row) usernames[1].append(info.username) self.pos_index[(col,-row)] = info x_vals.append(col) y_vals.append(-row) # Invert ordering c_vals.append(self._decide_color(info)) s_vals.append(self._decide_size(info, max_rss)) col += 1 if col == self.max_cols: col = 0; row += 1 previous = info return (x_vals, y_vals, c_vals, s_vals, usernames) def _decide_color(self,info): if info.is_zombie(): return self.exit_color if info.previous == None: delta_cpu = delta_io = 0 else: delta_cpu = (info.data.stat.utime + info.data.stat.stime) - (info.previous.stat.utime + info.previous.stat.stime) delta_io = (info.data.io.read_bytes + info.data.io.write_bytes) - (info.previous.io.read_bytes + info.previous.io.write_bytes) color = self.normal_color if delta_io > 0: color = self.io_color if delta_cpu > 0 or info.data.stat.state == 'R': if delta_io > 0: color = self.cpuio_color else: color = self.cpu_color return color def _decide_size(self, info, max_rss): rss = info.data.stat.rss delta_rss = rss - (info.previous.stat.rss if info.previous else rss) # A relative proportion of the base dot size size = max(MIN_SIZE, self.point_size * rss / max_rss) if delta_rss > 0: # Temporary throb to indicate change size += max(20,size/4) elif delta_rss < 0: size -= max(20,size/4) return size def _create_tip(self, axes, x=None, y=None, data=None, toggle_sticky=False): if data: if not self.hover_tip_sticky or toggle_sticky: if self.hover_tip: self.hover_tip.set_visible(False) self.hover_tip = axes.text(x, y, data.report(), bbox=dict(facecolor=self.tip_color, alpha=0.85), zorder=999) self.hover_tip_data = (x,y,data) if toggle_sticky: self.hover_tip_sticky = not self.hover_tip_sticky elif self.hover_tip_data: x,y,data = self.hover_tip_data self.hover_tip = axes.text(x, y, data.report(), bbox=dict(facecolor=self.tip_color, alpha=0.85), zorder=999) def _clear_tip(self): if self.hover_tip and not self.hover_tip_sticky: self.hover_tip.set_visible(False) # will be free'ed up by next plot draw self.hover_tip = self.hover_tip_data = None def __call__(self, event): #print event.name if event.name == 'key_press_event': self._create_new_plot() else: if (event.name == 'motion_notify_event' or event.name == 'button_press_event') and event.inaxes: point = (int(event.xdata + 0.5), int(event.ydata - 0.5)) if point in self.pos_index: # On button click let tip stay open without hover self._create_tip(event.inaxes, event.xdata, event.ydata, self.pos_index[point], event.name == 'button_press_event') else: self._clear_tip() pylab.draw() if __name__ == '__main__': usage = """usage: %prog [options|-h] Plot RSS, CPU and IO, with hover and click for details. RSS size is plotted as a circle - the circle will temporarily jump up and down in size to indicate a growing or shrinking RSS - the steady state size is a relative size indicator. """ parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-p", "--no-threads", action="store_true", dest="no_threads", help="Exclude threads, only show processes.") parser.add_option("-s", "--sleep", type="int", dest="interval", default=INTERVAL, help="Sleep seconds for each repetition.") parser.add_option("-n", "--columns", type="int", dest="columns", default=DEFAULT_COLS, help="Number of columns in each row (maximum).") parser.add_option("-d", "--point-size", type="int", dest="point_size", default=BASE_POINT_SIZE, help="Dot point size (expressed as square area).") parser.add_option("-c", "--colors", type="string", dest="colors", default='', help="Colors for normal,cpu,io,cpuio,exited,tip,bg comma separated. " + "Only supply the ones you want to change e.g. -cwhite,,blue - " + " Defaults are " + ','.join(DEFAULT_COLORS)) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() Activity_Diagram(options.interval, options.columns, options.point_size, not options.no_threads, options.colors.split(',')).start()
% python plot_grid.py -h Usage: plot_grid.py [options|-h] Plot RSS, CPU and IO, with hover and click for details. RSS size is plotted as a circle - the circle will temporarily jump up and down in size to indicate a growing or shrinking RSS - the steady state size is a relative size indicator. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p, --no-threads Exclude threads, only show processes. -s INTERVAL, --sleep=INTERVAL Sleep seconds for each repetition. -n COLUMNS, --columns=COLUMNS Number of columns in each row (maximum). -d POINT_SIZE, --point-size=POINT_SIZE Dot point size (expressed as square area). -c COLORS, --colors=COLORS Colors for normal,cpu,io,cpuio,exited,tip,bg comma separated. Only supply the ones you want to change e.g. -cwhite,,blue - Defaults are honeydew,red,lawngreen,orange,yellow,lightyellow,white
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Plot a limited time line in 3D for CPU and RSS # # Copyright (C) 2011: Michael Hamilton # The code is GPL 3.0(GNU General Public License) ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ) # import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTkAgg') import pylab import time import gobject import gtk import random import string import math import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as axes3d from optparse import OptionParser import linuxprocfs as procfs HZ=1000.0 LIMIT=1000 INTERVAL=5 ZOMBIE_LIVES=5 MAX_INTERESTING=5.0 class ProcessInfo(object): def __init__(self, new_procdata): self.base = new_procdata self.previous = new_procdata self.data = new_procdata self.text = '%d %s %s' % (new_procdata.pid, new_procdata.username, new_procdata.stat.comm ) self.color = '#%6.6x' % (((self.base.pid * 16807 % 2147483647)/(2147483647 * 1.3)) % 2**24 ) self.color = tuple([(self.base.pid * i * 16807 % 2147483647)/(2147483647 * 1.3) for i in (7, 13, 23)]) self.xvals = [] self.yvals = [] self.zvals = [] self.zombie_lives = ZOMBIE_LIVES self.interesting = 0 self.visible = False def update(self, new_procdata): self.previous = self.data self.data = new_procdata self.zombie_lives = 5 x = self.data.time_stamp y = ((self.data.stat.utime - self.base.stat.utime) + (self.data.stat.stime - self.base.stat.stime)) / HZ z = float(new_procdata.stat.rss) if len(self.xvals) > LIMIT: del self.xvals[0] del self.yvals[0] del self.zvals[0] self.xvals.append(x) self.yvals.append(y) self.zvals.append(z) if self.data.stat.utime - self.previous.stat.utime > 10.0 or self.data.stat.stime - self.previous.stat.stime > 10.0 or abs(self.data.stat.rss - self.previous.stat.rss) > 15000: self.visible = True self.interesting = MAX_INTERESTING class Activity_Diagram(object): def __init__(self, remove_dead=True): self.process_info = {} self.start_time = None self.subplot = None self.remove_dead = remove_dead def make_graph(self): for proc in procfs.get_all_proc_data(include_threads=True): if not proc.pid in self.process_info: data = ProcessInfo(proc) self.process_info[proc.pid] = data else: data = self.process_info[proc.pid] data.update(proc) if self.subplot == None: figure = pylab.figure() self.subplot = figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') else: self.subplot.cla() for pid, data in self.process_info.items(): if data.zombie_lives <= 0 and self.remove_dead: del self.process_info[pid] # dead for a while now - remove data.zombie_lives -= 1 if data.visible: if len(data.xvals) > 0: alpha =data.interesting / MAX_INTERESTING # boring processes fade away self.subplot.plot(data.xvals, data.yvals, data.zvals, color=data.color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=2) self.subplot.text(data.xvals[-1], data.yvals[-1], data.zvals[-1], data.text, alpha=alpha, fontsize=6, color = data.color if data.zombie_lives >= ZOMBIE_LIVES - 1 else 'r') data.interesting -= 1 if data.interesting > 2 else 0 # Losing interest self.subplot.set_xlabel(r'time', fontsize=10) self.subplot.set_ylabel(r'cpu', fontsize=10) self.subplot.set_zlabel(r'rss', fontsize=10) pylab.title('Cumulative CPU and RSS over %f minutes' % ((time.time() - self.start_time) /60.0)) pylab.draw() return True def start(self, sleep_secs=INTERVAL): self.start_time = time.time() self.make_graph() pylab.connect('key_press_event', self) gobject.timeout_add(INTERVAL*1000, self.make_graph) pylab.show() def __call__(self, event): self.make_graph() def boo(): print 'boo' if __name__ == '__main__': usage = """usage: %prog [options|-h] Plot cumulative-CPU and RSS over the script run time. """ parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-s", "--sleep", type="int", dest="sleep_secs", default=INTERVAL, help="Sleep seconds for each repetition.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() Activity_Diagram(remove_dead=False).start(sleep_secs=options.sleep_secs)
% python plot_cpu_rss_time_lines_3d.py -h Usage: plot_cpu_rss_time_lines_3d.py [options|-h] Plot cumulative-CPU and RSS over the script run time. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SLEEP_SECS, --sleep=SLEEP_SECS Sleep seconds for each repetition.
Even if you don't know any python, you can still have a play by running these scripts from the command line. Just save them into a folder giving them the appropriate file-names and also save the linuxprocfs.py from my previous post. Make sure you've installed python-matplotlib for you distribution of Linux (it's a standard offering for openSUSE, so it's in the repo).
Consult the notes from the previous blog entry for some notes on the Linux process file-system.
The matplotlib Web-site ( http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ ) contains plenty of documentation and examples, plus Google will track down heaps more advice and examples.
This blog page uses SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. You can easily copy and paste a line-number free version of the code by selecting view-source icon in the mini-tool-bar that appears on the top right of the source listing (if javascript is enabled).
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